Nothing’s worse than buying a product and it not living up to what you thought it would be. Uninformed consumers might run into this scenario when shopping for CBD products. And, one of the most common areas of confusion is over what CBD and THC are and do — and aren’t and don’t do.
The ABCs of Cannabis
To understand CBD and THC, let’s take a quick step back. If you know, more broadly, about cannabis, it’s easier to then make sense of individual elements like CBD and THC.
What Is Cannabis?
When we talk about cannabis , we’re referring to the plant known as Cannabis sativa L. This species includes various hemp and marijuana plants.
Note: Sometimes hemp and marijuana are thought of as parts of a cannabis plant, not necessarily separate subspecies. And sometimes some of the terms cannabis and marijuana are used synonymously. Yah, that’s not confusing at all. For our purposes here, stick with our definition.
Anyway, Cannabis sativa is a highly complex plant. It contains upwards of 400 compounds. Over 100 of these compounds are what’re called cannabinoids, the most famous of which are THC and CBD.
What Are Cannabinoids?
Cannabinoids? Is this a new one for you? No worries.
Cannabinoids are hard workers. These’re the little guys that interact with receptors in your nervous system to produce a number of effects. It’s the cannabinoids that tell your brain how to interpret and react to the signals it’s getting from the CBD or THC.
This brings us to the marquee cannabinoids: CBD and THC.
As mentioned, THC and CBD are both naturally occurring substances in cannabis. But that may be where the similarities end. Each of these cannabinoids has a radically different effect on your mind and body.
Here are some fast facts on THC. They highlight defining aspects of this cannabinoid or ways it differs from CBD.
- THC is the abbreviation for tetrahydrocannabinol.
- THC comes from marijuana and is the predominant compound in this plant.
- THC is a psychostimulant.
- THC’s the thing in cannabis that evokes that “high” feeling.
People often look to THC for help with conditions ranging from chronic pain to glaucoma and insomnia to lack of appetite. The scientific and medical communities have done, and continue to do, studies on the therapeutic use of THC.
Not to be outdone, check out these CBD details (CBDetails, if you will….). They underscorethe unique characteristics of this cannabinoid and how it’s unlike THC.
- CBD is the abbreviation for cannabidiol.
- CBD can come from hemp or marijuana plants, but is more prevalent in hemp. It’s the second most abundant compound in marijuana.
- CBD is free of psychoactive elements.
- CBD can be a “downer” (which can be a good thing!).
CBD is reputed for its stabilizing influence on the mind and body. This may be why many turn to CBD — its potential for calming physical and mental conditions.
A ton of research is being done to further establish the effects of medicinal CBD. To date, the FDA has even approved a few medications that harness the power of CBD.
Hopefully, the info above clears up your general questions about:
- What CBD and THC are
- How they relate to one another
- How they can impact your body
But, that still leaves room for more specific CBD inquires, which we get ALL. THE. TIME. So, we’re highlighting some of the most common CBD FAQs that cross our desks.
What Kinds Of CBD Are There?
There are three different kinds of CBD. Each type is processed differently, which results in them having different properties — like amount of THC and other cannabinoids.
- Full-spectrum CDB contains a broad range of cannabinoids, including THC. The amount of THC depends on the source of the CBD and how it’s processed. Some full-spectrum CBD could exceed the federal THC allowance of 0.3% or less.
- Broad-spectrum CBD contains the same wide range of cannabinoids as full-spectrum but with the federally legal 0-0.3% THC. This minimal amount of THC creates a “synergistic effect” which can help other cannabinoids (like CBD) work properly and most effectively.
- Isolate CBD is just that: CBD all by itself. It’s the cheapest and easiest to extract because the lab’s extracting only one compound. Isolate, which dominates the marketplace, is the least effective form of CBD as it lacks the “synergistic effect”.
If you want a CBD product without a hefty THC load, you’ll probably want one that’s identified as broad-spectrum CBD.
Will I Get “High” From CBD?
Probably not. Ultimately, it depends on how sensitive you are and the kind of CBD you’re consuming. Maybe it’s theoretically possible you’d feel a little kick from a full-spectrum marijuana-derived CBD product….
Dr. CBD uses hemp-derived broad-spectrum CBD, which mean no THC — so you won’t get “high” from our products.
Is CBD Legal?
In June 2022 Thailand has legalized hemp-derived CBD containing 0.2% THC or less.
Thanks legislation!
All Dr. CBD products are legal according to these rules.
What Kind Of CBD Products Are Available?
Short answer: All kinds! It’s an exciting time to be exploring the world of CBD products. There are:
- Full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and isolate CBD products
- Marijuana- and hemp-derived CBD products
- Products in an array of forms/formulations, flavors and dosages
- Products for adults, kids and even animals
Dr. CBD proudly offers a wide selection of world-class broad-spectrum CBD products. Our tinctures, CBD oil, softgels use high-quality CBD derived from hemp. We have too many flavors and potency levels to list here.

In A Nutshell
CBD and THC are two of the many compounds in cannabis. The most notable difference between these cannabinoids is that THC can have psychoactive effects — which can make you you feel “high” — while CBD doesn’t. Additionally, CBD can come from two lines of cannabis plants (hemp or marijuana); THC comes from marijuana.
Both CBD and THC are used medicinally, though CBD is generally taken for its calming effects for mental and physical health conditions. Research into the efficacy of therapeutic cannabis use is ongoing.
Dr. CBD offers a satisfying assortment of hemp-derived CBD products. You’re likely to find an item or two (or three or four….) in our shop to meet your needs. And we’re here to help or answer any questions you have about CBD and our awesome products.
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